The visit, however, was definitely different from other Riverton visits I have made. Normally when you arrive at the home office by bus you come in the front driveway and are dropped off at the front door and are greeted by the receptionist and other home office staff in the stunning entryway. This time the bus driver came in the back driveway and I figured he would just drive around to the front. Boy was I wrong!!!!! He pulled the bus up to the curb near the garage sized delivery doors in back and told us to get off the bus and ring the bell at the garage doors. Almost all the ladies on the bus kept telling the driver this wasn't the way it was supposed to be done and we even had a Stampin' Up! employee on our bus telling him to go around to the front, but the driver insisted we were the third bus load of the morning that was delivered this way and we needed to get off. The delivery door bell was rung and the person who answered it wasn't happy to see us but did let us in. We entered onto the production floor and were told countless times to stay within the yellow lines so we didn't get hurt on our way to the lobby. We made it to the lobby, went back outside, and came back in the way we were supposed to so our first-timers, Beka & Linda, could get the proper Stampin' Up! welcome. I don't think I'd want to be that bus driver when he was finally called out on the carpet for his delivery methods.
Anyway, the photo of Lee Conrey, Linda Dixon, Beka Laing and me was taken in the Legacy Room of the Stampin' Up! home office. The Legacy Room, which is actually a grouping of smaller rooms, displays Gardner family photos, the very first Stampin' Up! catalog, and various displays using Stampin' Up! products. I think my favorite display is the case that shows the evolution of a stamp set from first sketches to metal dies to final red rubber product.
The card below is one I received while swapping at Convention and was created by Tiffany Pine. Isn't this giraffe the cutest!!!!
Thanks for stopping back to visit. See you soon!!!

1 comment:
that sure was a grand entry we made!!! Guess we'll never forget that. Bet the driver wishes he could! lol
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